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Monday, November 11, 2013

18 Quotes From People That Think Obama Is A Marxist

Liberty Council: "Yet given that Barack Obama is a shadowy figure with a penchant for hiding his past (college records, etc.); that he has had avowed communists in his administration (Van Jones, Anita Dunn); that he seemed to belong to Chicago's socialist New Party in the 1990s; and that, according to former Occidental College acquaintance and ex-Marxist John Drew, Obama was a flat-out "Marxist Leninist" who believed in old-style communist revolution, well, one's imagination can conjure up some interesting scenarios."

Larry Pratt
(Director of Gun Owners of America): "But it’s apparently not the misunderstanding that a communist has. And that’s really the way the president thinks. He was educated that way. He is a full-bore Marxist."

Bryan Fischer: "President Obama hates this country as founded. That's why he's trying to transform it and make it into some kind of socialist, Marxist utopia."

Jerry Boykin: "I will tell you that America is becoming a Marxist nation - I don't care what you say, I'm tired of being called a bigot because I don't like the Marxist policies of Barack Obama."

Judson Phillips: "Barack Obama wants to destroy America...Underneath that grey hair lies the heart of the young anti-American Marxist that went to Occidental and Columbia. He still believes in disarming America, just as he did as a young man. He still believes America is the focus of evil in the modern world, just as he did then."

Dan Celia: "Obviously one way you get that, the way that radical Marxists—which I believe he [Obama] is—history shows that once you get everybody standing in a breading, you can accomplish pretty much anything you want with false promises or false ideology."

Cliff Kincaid: "As American conservatives contemplate the future of the Republican Party in the face of President Obama’s Marxist onslaught and reelection, the rapid deterioration of the British Conservative Party stands as proof that the situation could get far worse."

Cathie Adams
: "Who is a Marxist in our White House? Of course, it's Barack Hussein Obama. And I don't know why we're not calling him what he is as a Marxist. It's as if, when the wall fell that communism died; it didn't. "

Joel Gilbert: "If Republicans had made Obama's Marxist agenda and personal background the main issues of the campaign, Americans would have had a much clearer understanding of the choice between American values and Marxism."

David Horowitz
: "Obama is a Communist. Stanley Kurtz has written a really good book called “Radical-in-Chief” and his entire life has been spent in the same left that I came out of, which is the radical, Marxist left."

Jon Voight: "That’s right. The President is of the Marxist, socialist root: from his dad, his mother encouraged his following through on his dad’s Marxism and his dad’s view of America which was of an imperialist state."

Alan Caruba: "He has failed the millions, black, white, Asian, and Hispanic, who are unemployed as the result of his Marxist ideology."

David Limbaugh: "Obama is already acting like a flaming leftist, radical, socialist, even Marxist when he faces re-election, and lawlessly, can you imagine what he’ll act like if he is re-elected and perceives himself to have a mandate to take this country completely over the cliff."

Gary Cass: "Obama's values are not Christian, biblical values that unite us. His values are the discredited Marxist values that pit entire classes against each other. No matter how hard Obama tries to sugar coat his radical ideology with religious rhetoric, he is not a Christian by any historic standard, nor do his policies reflect Christian values."

Gary Bauer: "The Obama Democrats are socialist to the core."

Glenn Beck: "He has all of the earmarks of a Marxist dictator"

Rick Wiles: "The people have elected a Marxist Muslim who I believe is a revolutionary."

Erik Rush: “President Obama is a Marxist and Islamist sympathizer who was maneuvered into the presidency by well-heeled socialists and Saudi Islamists”

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